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Inspection system

NIKKA - Automatic label inspection system

Compares deviations like colour change register and die-cutter movement.
When the deviation exceeds the set tolerance the machine stops and shows 
the operator the position of the defect.

100% full web camera inspection

Detects print errors at speeds up to 

Compares against a known good image of each label or previous good job

The ALIS system detects typical print faults like colour change, broken/missing text, ink spots, register change and missing labels

Nikka print machine

EyeC Proofiler

The EyeC Proofiler combines the power of intelligent software with the performance of a high-resolution scanner. The inspection system digitally compares the scanned samples against the signed-off proof (typically a PDF file).

Ultra fast process.

Automatically scans the first print against the approved PDF proof.

100% inspection.

Identifies all major defects such as colour variation, mis-register and text clarity.

Nikka print machine sensor

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